Yellow Jack Inn - External Cleanup YMAP

So seen a few of these, thought i’d share mine, I created this free for a server I was playing on at the time while I was RPing working there, simply to improve it for ourselves. Aim of this was to make it a wee bit less unkept looking, but retain what type of bar/area it is. Minimal trash/props were moved or removed, focus was more about fencing, gates and vegetation.

Fences slow down VDM issues in this area, can smash them but getting between the posts can be hard as they are somewhat solid.


Minor Grass/trash/tires/boxes/trees/vegetation moved or removed to clean it up while retaining it's theme for the area.
Fixed the back area gate from being closed (needing to be rammed open in RP
Adjusted the eastern side fence to open it up and stop it from falling over all the time
Removed the gas tank out back that likes to explode
Added a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tubeman out front
Added wooden fence around carpark, these can be smashed but it's hard to get right through to lessen VDM in this area
Added port-o-com out the back (handy for staff/security housing if you use a FiveM housing script

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