xsNotify - Modern Notification System (STANDALONE)


Options / Customization

  • Customize how long the notification will appear.
  • Customize the colors/icons of the notifications.
  • Change the title/text & tag of the notification.
  • Change the position of the notification (Top, Bottom, Left, Right)

We will be adding many more features to our Notify script in the future including a color wheel that allow players to customize colors. We will be also adding a feature that allows players to customize the exact location of their notification.

Configuration/Read Me

  • Click Here to view the documentation on xs_Notify

XS Notify Usage Guide

xs:notify is an event to display notifications in your FiveM server. Depending on where you trigger it, you can use it client-side or server-side.

Client-Side Notifications

To trigger a notification on the client-side:

TriggerEvent("xs:notify", title, content, timeout, type, position, tag)

Client-Side Example:

TriggerEvent("xs:notify", "It works!", "This notify works!", 5000, 0, 3, 'server')

Server-Side Notifications

To send a notification from the server to all connected clients:

TriggerClientEvent("xs:notify", -1, title, content, timeout, type, position, tag)

Server-Side Example:

TriggerClientEvent("xs:notify", -1, "It works!", "This notify works!", 5000, 0, 3, 'server')

Notification Types:

  • 0 - Error
  • 1 - Success
  • 2 - Warning
  • 3 - Information

Position Types:

  • 0 - Middle
  • 1 - Bottom
  • 2 - Left
  • 3 - Right


  • tags - You can add any text as your tag
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 80
Requirements Standalone
Support Yes

Letsss goooo! :fire: :heart: It surely has the best backend! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Fire !!! :fire:

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Clean, elegant, quality!

I will need to swoop this soon! :heart_on_fire:

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amazing work as always, much recommended never fails us! XSTUDIOS ON TOP!

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We appreciate you!

Thank you! We have a lot more coming out very soon!

nice scripts :crazy_face:

:heart: loves these scripts and drip these man supply also so down to earth people

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Nice scripts


This is AWESOME! :heart:

Only getting better

very nice

<3 wooowww

where do you put the trigger events?