Xrs_handcuffs - ox_target handcuffs script (handcuffs,lockpick,rope)


Handcuffs script compatible with ox_target and ox_inventory

Showcase: YOUTUBE

Buy it: xrsdev (tebex.io)

The script is configurable and has many functions. It is also protected against cheaters. Possibility to change the translation and much more.


    1. Cuff, uncuff, search, put in vehicle/take out vehicle, drag/undrag
    1. Rope (u can use that to cuff someone) releasing after x time
    1. Opening a handcuff with a lockpick with mini-game
    1. Compatible with other resources (lb-phone,ox_inventory, you can set custom scripts to work with handcuffs)
    1. Well-Optimized (~0.00ms)

Configuration Files: Lua, JS

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based Yes
Lines (approximately) 1100+
Requirements es_extended,ox_lib, ox_inventory, ox_target
Support Yes

Config files lua,js


Wow such a good script thats insane


Before I buy, I have to ask if you will a headbag with prop or cardbox or something to block vision for certain time and maybe with a cooldown feauture so nobody gets blinded forever

Ahh, nevermind its not for qbox. I was too exited :innocent:

I get this error could you help me?

You don’t have export in your resource “framework” named “getclientdept” that’s my script calls