[Xraww] - Hide And Seek

Hide And Seek script with GTA:O menu style.

  • Standalone
  • You can create your own lobby with your own options.
  • 12 maps: 4 small, 4 medium and 4 large.
  • Camera for map preview.
  • Do not restart the script or the textures of the maps will no longer appear in the menus !
  • → ensure HideAndSeek



A quick preview of the hunter role and the start of the game :
Watch HideAndSeek Preview | Streamable

Buy on Tebex

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~2400 without requirements
Requirements RageUI, critLobby, ScaleformUI (already in the script)
Support No

Cool script. Cooler requirements :stuck_out_tongue:

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First of all, thank you for using my menu :blush: it’s nice knowing my work is helping devs making cool interfaces! I’m sorry to say this… if the script is made in Lua you cannot sell ScaleformUI with it… but it must be added as a requirement… ScaleformUI cannot be sold… i hope you understand this as my project is licensed as that… unless the script is made in C# where ScaleformUI is a needed dll.
I’ve decided this because i don’t want servers to have multiple instances of ScaleformUI in their server for every script they buy + it’s free already because i wanted people to enjoy my work both devs and players without having to pay for it :blush: so i don’t see why someone should sell it at my place :sweat_smile:
I hope you’ll understand my position on this and you will change this asap or I’ll be forced to report your script sadly.