I have been reading previous topics posted and can’t really find a solution to the problem I am having.
Is there a way to unbind keys from a controller? I am currently playing on a server on RedM called JustRP. All controller buttons work fine but there are 2 server side keybind that are on the left and right triggers. Left trigger, I press it a few milemeters and it aims, but it I press it slightly more it does the emote ‘flop on floor’ which is keybinded to ‘Z’ on the sever, so when I am hunting my body just flops off my horse and animals get away. The right trigger which fires fine brings up the servers Player List in the top center of the screen which gets in the way of what I am doing (not actually sure what the keybind for that is).
Is there a way client side to disable certain keybinds on the controller or entirely? I know FiveM servers have the server keybinds in the controls menu under ‘FiveM’ but can’t even seem to see a configure buttons option in RDR2 or on the RedM server.
Maybe some simple code I can type into console to deactivate the controller keybinds for that server?
Thanks for the reply, I have just tried reWASD and mapped left and right mouse buttons to the triggers on controller but it still does the same thing. It is definately a server side issue . Thank you for the help anyway
easy one - get ds4windows -then u bind L2 to mouseclick right and R2 u bind to mouseclick left. tadaaaa
Further for example i did bind “toggle” key to shift. When delivery with cart/wagon, i go cinema mode then toggle shift hold…i go toilett…i come back…delivery done…^^
Sadly you can’t do anything. On the servers I play, my voice range changes when you walk forward with the left stick but that’s whatever. When I aim my weapon with the LT it’s fine but as soon as I shoot at someone with RT, my hands rise up and the shooting is impossible or looks weird. Also I get gun tricks menu that’s not working at all but only prevents me from shooting again because holsters my equipped weapon. This is HUGE problem for me but there’s no way to UNBIND all useless keybinds from the added server resources from my controller buttons. I also enter in a crawling state when try to use any type of interaction by holding the DPad key.
I hope CFX.re can allow us to customize the server resources custom controls like we do on Five M. This will fix the issue.