Cost: Free to use!
Download URL:
Github link: GitHub - rcore-cz/rcore_sumoderby
Beer, girls, cars, roaring engines, loud music. The sweet basics of every car derby. Do you wish to challenge your friends or foes in free-for-all car derby? Now you have your chance! Place bets, buckle up and let’s go smash some cars. Six players can enter, only one will become a champion of sumo-derby.
How to join a derby
- You can use a command - “/minigame join derby“
- Find a specific marker on a ground (specific location will be marked with a blip on map)
How to leave a derby in a process
- You can use a command - “/minigame leave“
Feature list
- Multi-virtual-world allowing players to compete and participate in large numbers
- Function “GameEnded“ - that shows player’s score, can be modified to give a player a reward for specific score
- Script is allowing modification of derby’s settings - spawn point per player, time limit per game, min/max players, private/open arena
- Camera effects can be modified
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