Working with Assets?


I am very new to making mods for RedM, and I am confused when it comes to managing custom resources to be served to a client. Even after reading the documentation on resources, I’m not sure how to accomplish what I want. I have 3 files:

  • traintracks.xml, which should replace ‘common:/data/levels/rdr3/traintrakcs.xml’;
  • trains1.dat, which should replace common:/data/levels/rdr3/trains1.dat;
  • and an entirely new file, ew_tracks.dat, which I believe must be served to the client.

The data_file tag has a type for the XML file, TRAINTRACK_FILE, but I don’t understand how it works - does the file I define with data_file replace the original traintracks.xml, or append to it? And how can I ensure that trains1.dat is replaced, while ew_tracks.dat is added as a resource for the game to use?

Additionally, traintracks.xml refers to the *.dat files by path, e.g. common:/data/levels/rdr3/trains1.dat. Does RedM provide a common mount point for resources so that traintracks.xml can correctly refer to the new and modified files?

Thank you.