[WIP] DM, Race, Juggernout and other stuff

I can help with French Translation. (contact me if needed)

Hey guys, i really want to support your project. I can translate to german and it would be very nice to test the mod :slight_smile: (Discord #2812)

In which language are you working? I could help a bit translating into german

I think, he said, that he is working in russian. @Flatracer i can translate from English to German. Maybe we can work together?

If there is a english version, yeah of course. But if it is only russian, then not :grin:

Hey Mark hope all is well… Have not seen any updates on your work, hope everything is ok. Just touching base to raise this thread and pump some life back into a great possible project you were working on.


What happened? im looking forward to this, it reminds of a gamemode i used to play on samp, i wanna put it in my server xD

Hey, i would love to help test this out. it sounds like it could really be the next best thing to online

Still looking for testers? If yes, I’d like to help!

Not sure what happen, Hope Mark is ok, have not seen anything from him for months.