I’ve been hearing a lot of talk about GTA 5’s upcoming next-gen update and wanted to see what other players think about FiveM’s future compatibility. We’ve all seen how crucial updates can sometimes break mod support, so I’m curious if anyone has insight or theories about potential issues FiveM might face once Rockstar pushes out the new version.
Will FiveM serveres require major updates or rewrites to remain functional?
Are there any official statements or known discussions from the FiveM development team regarding next-gen compatibility?
Have server owners mentioned anything about prepping for changes?
If you’ve got any thoughts, concerns, or if you know something from following the FiveM dev forums or social media, please share. It’s probably too early to predict everything. it would be great to hear everyone’s take on what the future holds for fivem.
Thanks in advance for any info or speculation you can provide. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
Think it like this: The last DLC is currently on the release branch. It’s been there for the past month. New clothing items are still crashing the client.
You would think that since FiveM is part of R* now, they would have more support to fix it. But they are still reverse engineering they’re own product.
They haven’t even announced the support for the last DLC.
Future DLCs incompatibility with FiveM is what I think will bring about the gradual downfall.
When FiveM had OG developers who were quality-consistent and passionate, they figured out how to get things working - took a bit of time and a heck of a lot of dedication, but in the end they always provided.
I don’t think that will happen as fast in the future, that’s assuming it happens at all.
so basically split community in half because there will fivem legacy and enhance they say they work on getting support for enhance one the until then it remain support on legacy but they dont make clear what happens after after fivem gets enhance do it means legacy cant play it? they dont make it clear only until we get support enhance they say they dont make clear if there will be 2 versions once full enhance support is out
Quite frankly. Everyone should be upgrading. If someone cannot run a ten year old game on their PC then there is not much we can do for them (albeit FiveM requires a slightly more powerful PC than your regular GTAV specs I would say)
FiveM yes I would agree is very demanding comparable to if not MORE so than modern titles. GTAV base game not so much. Even with the updates to it over the years. Except this update thats coming. Which is why we’ve warned our players to prepare for it and shared the latest specs.
Regardless of the initial release date, I would say most are not aware of the fact that FiveM is very demanding when you add in all the content servers have. However, either way, people need to get with the times. 90% of the players we see complaining about poor performance all have seriously outdated PC’s, but expect to be running 100+fps. Not to mention they client side mod the hell out of their games and wonder why they have poor performance.
Rule of thumb should be if you cannot run the game at Ultra already, don’t get client sided graphics mods. Kthx.
There are also issues with very poor internet plans that some folks have. For a network intensive game (downloading streamed assets on the fly) that is something a lot of people don’t think about, unfortunately. Absolutely slows down their performance when they drive 300 around the city and haven’t got the option turned on to see when they are downloading assets. I wish that was turned on by default. We constantly have to explain it to people!
the best upgrade that fivem can make is avoid those users to use others software called menu. where this take owners powers and use all inside each computers server anypc . i belive fivem and rockstars can do soemthing for those who spent all income to create a simple life to enjoy on gta and them we find thise powers tools saled to them so ez and destroying or income and peace of mind when playing gta5pc . please i buy 7,k. and am holding until i see fivem . stop those softwares that just destroying the market for investors .
From what I’ve heard, 6M is expected to arrive next year, and I think this FiveM update might serve as a stepping stone or a trailer version of it. If that’s the case, supporting this update early could help developers and server owners prepare for the bigger shift ahead. It’ll be interesting to see how FiveM handles this transition and whether it gives us insight into what to expect for 6M.
So the new enhanced edition is now available to predownload. Looks like its not a dlc like everyone thought it would be. Its a whole new game to download. Will it work with FiveM if we uninstall the legacy edition and only use the enhancededition…? Idk. But since they both are two separate games it wouldn’t affect fiveM servers. But rockstar made the enhanced edition mainly for modern up to date graphics and also stability and performance. So will it help fiveM servers? Yes as long as its compatible. If not then mod and script developers might have to make some updates dor it to work and especially cfx will have to also make changes too most likely. But i hope these changes happen because of how poorly optimization of the gtaFiveM servers are because the games so damn old and outdated. These gtaV fixes would help fiveM a lot. If servers/moders/scripts dont want to update for the enhanced edition then theres no point in worrying about it since gtaVI will be out next year or two if theres delays for us pc users. Sucks we have to wait because it comes out this year for console.
It tells you exactly how it will work and no one expected this to be a “DLC”. Servers can choose which version to run which will determine which version you need to have installed. The only “DLC” like part is you will get access to cars previously only available on console.
This update will do nothing to optimize any existing scripts or resources. It is almost completely graphical updates. Servers that are not already optimized will become worse if they force the enhanced edition. To my knowledge, there are no major RAGE overhauls that add a ton of extra options.
Any technical improvements are related to using more modern features like direct storage, ray tracing, DLSS/FSR, etc.