Will custom clothing streaming ever be an option?

Hi all,
I have just started Roleplaying on RedM after years on GTA servers and man, I am disappointed with the lack of clothing for women characters. I am roleplaying an old money woman and there are not many clothing options for someone of that status.
I knew how to do Sims 4 conversions some what for GTA, and I am wondering if streaming for clothing will ever be possible in this game.

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It is possible since streaming was implemented in RedM in 2020.

I hope someone figures it out soon. I want to stream wearing a ball gown lol

Do you know of anyone who makes custom hates to throw in?

I’m really sore at Googling. I’ve been looking for a tutorial or a way to make women’s clothing for RedM for so long. There is nothing to be found, no information whatsoever. I’m really sad because I also wish I could make great clothes myself. There is so much for FiveM.

Red Dead Redemption 2 modding is currently passing a turning point after which is should become way easier and user friendly, just like in FiveM. There’s a big lack of tutorials right now, but I believe it’s going to be fixed soon. Just as an example, here’s a screenshot I got from one of the folks who were researching an ability to make custom clothes:



So glad to see RDR2 modding is still getting love!

In recent releases, thanks to @hamster_44, it looks like now we have example of custom clothes. For now it’s a replacement for existing clothes, hopefully in the future we can add them as new clothes.

What about weapons? It appears only servers with dedicated developers can make them, how has there not been anyone to make a public version?

I should add, there are servers that already have fully functional custom clothing and guns that are streamed without replacing other items. They just have kept the knowledge private for the time being as they made it for their server alone. It IS already possible but nobody seems to have publicly released it.

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