Will custom clothing streaming ever be an option?

Hi all,
I have just started Roleplaying on RedM after years on GTA servers and man, I am disappointed with the lack of clothing for women characters. I am roleplaying an old money woman and there are not many clothing options for someone of that status.
I knew how to do Sims 4 conversions some what for GTA, and I am wondering if streaming for clothing will ever be possible in this game.

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It is possible since streaming was implemented in RedM in 2020.

I hope someone figures it out soon. I want to stream wearing a ball gown lol

Do you know of anyone who makes custom hates to throw in?

I’m really sore at Googling. I’ve been looking for a tutorial or a way to make women’s clothing for RedM for so long. There is nothing to be found, no information whatsoever. I’m really sad because I also wish I could make great clothes myself. There is so much for FiveM.

Red Dead Redemption 2 modding is currently passing a turning point after which is should become way easier and user friendly, just like in FiveM. There’s a big lack of tutorials right now, but I believe it’s going to be fixed soon. Just as an example, here’s a screenshot I got from one of the folks who were researching an ability to make custom clothes:


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