Why i am not allowed to encrypt my AntiCheat and publish it here?

How about creating a discord webhook that instead prints information that the player has been banned from another server and for what reason - informing staff of a potential cheater.

Server owners then could make a decision based on judgement of whether they’ll allow that person come to their server or ban them.

About the global ban, it should not “directly” deny a client to enter the server. It should maybe send webhook message on discord that “xyz” is suspicious and has previous ban on our records or just disable global ban itself. If a person can hack, he can also use his mind and use bypass methods to change his identifiers or something similar.

You should have the code unlock as 80% of the code would be written by TigoDev himself, which is already public on github at this day. And de-obfuscation is not an hard job to do on language like lua.

I would request @PoodFood to abide with FiveM rules and let community have a AntiCheat that works great.
