Where to find "Speaking (name)" script or disable it?

So, I want to script my own version of who is speaking, but can’t find anywhere basic script that does that. How to?


Use those, then just send out the players name and display it

The problem is that FiveM itself has this, and I can’t find how to disable default display of it.
(It’s top center, “Currently Talking” and names below)

Does FiveM have it, or does the lambda trainer have it?
I thought the trainer is what added that, but I haven’t really used it without the trainer so I could be wrong.

I am stupid. Of course, it’s trainer, totally forgot it was installed.

no your not. we need to have this when script-hook is disabled…

hi i have the same problem … and i am using vmenu any solution ?

Hey I have only vMenu, not vVoice or Lambda menu installed but this still appears. Any way to remove it?

I Want to know how to edit the colour of it

anyone have any ideas