When opening FiveM a city appears

GTA V version? Last
Up to date? Yes
Legit or Pirate copy? Legit
Steam/CD/Social Club? I have Steam, Social club, Epic games
Windows version? 10
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again? Yes
What did you do to get this issue? Only install Five M and open it (At the same time, I open steam).
Which antivirus/firewall software are you using? I disabled my firewall
Did you try to disable/uninstall your Anti-virus? I do not have antivirus

To add more details, every time I open FiveM, different parts of the city of San Andrés appear.

Help me please, I am not allowed to enter since I download FiveM due to this error.


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Fivem updated its the new launcher look. Should be a start button that appears shortly after.

But only appears that picture and get stucked. I need to press alt+f4 to exit.

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Have you get the answer? i have this problem too

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Same problem here. Still no fix yet?

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Just curious, what resolution do you all play at?

Hi! May I ask how long you wait on that screen regularly when you open your FiveM?

This same thing happens to me but it’s usually because it’s loading, so mine shows up in less than a minute.

@dmsrhp ^^

Honestly forgot how to check! :joy:

start button wont show up, i have waiting for long time

Hmmm, that I really don’t know. When you close it, are you closing it all the way? Like, even through your task manager?

any solutions ? this is almost the same to me but my game is crashing

basically my game will always crash too

I have same prob here. I have been waiting for about 2 hours and the button have never shown up

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I have had this same problem for few days now and its getting kinda annoying. I wish they give some kind of a fix soon.

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Damn. I’ll let you know if a fix comes up or if I find something.


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