What's oxygen bottle ID?

Hi, I want to put a oxygen bottle on my ped to a dive activity but I can’t find the component ID and drawable ID like in this picture :

Its is bag #43

Hope that helps!

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Thanks it’s maybe that but… on the 43 ID, I have nothing, nothing on my ped :confused:

What about this instead



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But… :frowning: with that I have nothing on my back :

SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 5, 43, 0, 0)

And with Simple Trainer I have nothing too

Try to set the last 0 to a 2…

SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 5, 43, 0, 2)

Check out variations in 11 slot. But only in water. On the ground ped will drop it down, just like parachute. I dont remember the id, but it definitely near 100 id.


Thanks guys, I will try that

Ok I got it it’s this line

SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 8, 123, 2, 0)

but like you said my ped drop it when it’s on the ground and I don’t know if I can solve it, It’s not working with a Freeze and with an AttachEntityToEntity :confused:

Checkout what i have discovered about oxygen bottle)

As i said before, just set your ped component variation in water. And yes, it is 8th slot and 123 id.
You can swim’n’dive and not fearing for oxygen. Also you will have a sexy flashlight under water. It looks good at night, i swear.

I hope it helps. With best regards.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english, please.I am learning english grammar right now and I can make some mistakes in verb tenses.

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