What's most simple way to remove bank data from player client side?

I came up with is code below but it tosses out nil values errors on testing. I’m working on fee system to charge for damage to rental car, I’m getting basic stuff in place to mess about plan to move this to server side later.

using the RegisterCommand for this below

RegisterCommand('PayDaFee', function()

	local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData()
	local Balance = Player.PlayerData.money['bank']
	local cashBalance = Player.PlayerData.money['cash']
	local DaFee = '100'

	if Balance >= DaFee then
		Player.Functions.RemoveMoney('bank', DaFee, 'Damage Fee')
	 QBCore.Functions.Notify('Your broke....', 'error', 5000)


runs with ExecuteCommand(‘PayDaFee’)

I would have loved to find the answer in their documentation but then I realized that their documentation indeed sucks and it doesnt tell me whether the function is server or client sided, but I suppose this is a server sided function and that is probably the reason it does not work.

I went with server side is more simple calling back from server anyways, and yeah the documentation is a shocker to read… Would been handy to know if possible from client side just for quick checking