Western Fast Travel | Advanced Fast Travel Script [VORP/QBR/QR/RSG/RedEM:RP]

:clipboard: Western Fast Travels | The most advanced fast travel script available! :clipboard:

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:white_check_mark: - Compatible with Vorp, QBR, QR, RSG, RedEM:RP
:earth_africa: - Easily change language in the locales file
:rocket: - Optimized prop spawning with proximity checks
:label: - Dynamic fast travel prices depending on the distance
:free: - Option to make travels under a certain distance free
:rocket: - Option to make certain jobs get free fast travels
:lock: - Option to lock certain fast travel posts to specific jobs
:heavy_plus_sign: - Add unlimited fast travel points. Add new props or use existing ones
:round_pushpin: - 11 Preconfigured spots taken from the original game
:wrench: - Supports MenuAPI such as vorp_menu


:bulb: MenuAPI (such as vorp_menu)

Supported Frameworks:

:wrench: VORP Core
:wrench: QBR
:wrench: QR
:wrench: RSG
:wrench: RedEM:RP

Code is accessible Yes & No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500
Requirements stated above
Support Yes

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