[Were Back] The Original Riverside County Roleplay

Riverside County Roleplay

About us:
We are the original Riverside County Roleplay that started back in 2016. Our server is community ran, for all major server decisions we leave it up to the community to decide.
Riverside is based off of Riverside California. Our Server started the Public Cop program back in 2016 it gives everyone a chance to experience what it is like to be an officer on our server before applying for a department.


California Highway Patrol
Riverside County Sheriff’s Office
Los Angeles Police Department
Riverside Fire Department
Civilian Operations

Server Features:

Custom Scripts
Custom Skins
Custom Cars
Custom Peds
Helpful Staff
We have lots more than that, but you will have to join to see the rest!

Important Links:
Website- https://www.riversidecountyroleplay.net/
Discord- Discord
FiveM- :policeman::police_car: Anyone Can Be Cop/Fire/EMS!!!:police_car::policeman: Riverside County [Custom Cars]:oncoming_police_car:[Custom Scripts] Original Riverside

You guys should make it whitelisted to be honest it would be better

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We have it in our Plans to make two Whitelist servers on top of our Public server, only issue with that is we need to have enough members to fill our Public Server first before we can make a whitelisted server.

The server really caught my attention, but as Mizkit said, the fact that its not Whitelisted ruins it for me :frowning:

Closed on request.