I’m having really weird npc driving behavior on my server for some reason. I have the traffic script almost every server has. The smarter NPC’s or whatever. That’s it though.
What exact Traffic Script are you having issues with, and have you tried disabling it to see if that is the root cause of the issue?
Sorry for the late reply but I am using Blumlaut’s TrafficAdjuster currently. In a lot of Ymaps NPC’s are also seen doing weird things like standing on tables, getting stuck behind things, etc. That 8x Development Hood ymap you see in the screenshot however, is the only ymap I have where NPC’s are seen driving into stuff they shouldn’t be. I contacted the developer cause I did pay for the ymap and he said this is the 1st case he’s ever seen this be a problem so.
traffic nodes are in wrong place due to that being a custom map contact the maker of it
That’s the thing. I have. He said this is the 1st time he’s ever seen that.