Website in Fivem

Hey i need help :slightly_smiling_face: maby anyone can help me i will create a website per nui in fivem but when i join in my server the website is always thera and i cant close it can anybody help me? i tried it with this vid FiveM Scripting 16 - FiveM NUI with Inputs and Mouse Interactions - YouTube but i am to bad in coding to know what i am doning wrong. I wanna show per command for the police a exel where the officer can say if they are onduty or no :slightly_smiling_face: and i dont really know how i can the the fivem tutorial efficient CreateDui - FiveM Natives @ Docs :frowning: maby anyone can help me with a code

Have you set the visibility? You should set your container class visibility to hidden via CSS.
visibility: hidden;

You can then use a function in your NUI callback to toggle this.


  .canSee {
    visibility: visible;

in your NUI handler


Either toggle visibility or just set display:none and then with jQuery $(β€œsomething”).fadeIn() via windows.listener

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