[WEB][FREE] Department Application Central

HampuzX XApplications

A user-friendly web portal designed for managing applications in FiveM servers. Streamline your server’s recruitment process with an intuitive interface, customizable forms, and efficient applicant tracking.


  • Admin Dashboard
  • Reviewer Dashboard
  • Application Page
  • Discord Synced



Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) Unknown
Requirements Knowledge within NextJS
Support Yes

About time someone made something actually useful, and you’ve used ShadCN… Sir, you deserve an award.

A suggestion if I may?

In xapplications/src/config/config.ts

I would put the Discord Auth stuff into an .env, as this should never be pushed into the main repo - also this should be hidden as much as possible, env’s are made for this exact purpose.

I’ll make sure to update that thanks.


really nice work :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

1 Like

Looks nice, sat for 4 hours trying to get it to work, got to the error page, logs won’t save the dumps. No clue how to get past and your discord link is invalid…