Weapon Pack (Mini-Pack)

I Have Constructed A Small Weapon Pack Witch Includes An M4A1, Batton, Tazer, Glock 17, And A Hunting Rifle I Have Been Taking A Break Lately From Making You Guys Packs And Be Sure To Comment Any Next Suggestions You Guys Have For Me And As Always Like. And Enjoy

Download - http://www.mediafire.com/file/38wz6d19mrigf83/Guns.rar


It’d be great if you’d add some screens. People like to know what they’re downloading…

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Yes Will Do Soon. I Just Didnt Have Time To Hop On FiveM

(20 Characters)

? this is not a addon

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Why Will This Be Deleted?

i just… deleted my message?

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Ahhhhhhh lol sorry i didnt know thats what it says when u do that my apoligies

How can i fix this please help

New Suggestion: Non-lethal BeanBag for the pump shotgun or another shotgun? I know you can’t have both regular and beanbag, but just to have it in the pack as a choice?

that’s because you probably put the __resource.lua in the stream folder by accident you have to keep it in the guns folder

add screenshots

You put it in wrong…

Click Me

First make a new folder
Then make a “__resource.lua” file inside that folder
Next make a “Stream” folder
Last put the mods inside that folder and start the script.

Images? :wink:

This working for anyone? Feel like its missing something, or I am haha.

The resource file is empty. How can this work?

it just does if you test it does

How do you actually spawn the weapon

does it work?