Hey there, I look on the forums about errors similar like this one and try the solutions for it but still didn’t work for me, Anyone would be able to help me ?

Can you show your code?

what is the native you are trying to use?

This is the native your code could’t find

We can help you if you show us that line is failing

Show us the code using said native + your fxmanifest.lua

I really don’t know what you mean, can be more specific please, I’m new to all this but I learn fast

Which fxmanifest.lua you want I have alot of them

What code are you talking about ?

I’m not sure if I understand what is that.

We want to know the line of code that is giving you the error.

Native reffers to every function that GTA V uses natively.

And finally, we wanna know what you have is inside the fxmanifest.lua file that is in the same folder where there is the code that is giving you the error.

Okay so how would I know the " line of code ", I’m currently helping a friend with his server, we almost done but some little things in the txadmin just pop up for no reason, this file fxmanifest.lua in every script file in the server, and they don’t have code numbers

Update your server to not be that weird broken version.

You need to find out wich script is giving that error, then you could just share with us the content of every file inside the broken script (Only if you want!) to identify wich line or part of the code is wrong to help you fix it