I am a member of a dev team on a Fivem server and we’ve heard that’s some players on our servers know how duplicate items, specially for illegal items like drugs, weapons too. With this glitch, these people dont have to farm any ressources and can just duplicate items and sell them
We have try everything we know about it and we’d like to find some other ways that players can use to duplicate items, are you know some ways to glitch and duplicate ? So with your informations, we gonna can find failure in our system
Thank you a lot
You can MP me if you dont want to give me these informations here
Well if we can’t see the code or use the script ourselves it’s going to be nearly impossible to find a potential bug in it so yeah it’d help if we can view the code.
Is this a request for help with fixing these exploits or, are you just asking for information from others experiencing them?
If it’s the former then, like @Vespura said, we can’t really help you without seeing some code. If it’s the latter then, I feel this thread would be better suited in the #server-development:server-discussion category.