Waiting 72 hours for license activation


Can somebody help me with the license. I reach out on Twitter and on email about my license which is still not activated. I am waiting already for 72 hours where it says it can take 6 hours.

Kindly regards,

Dudley Thomas

@TheIndra see my topic

Do you have the same email on patreon and Cfx.re?

Yes sir. And like you see there is no active membership. Feels bad because they charge money but dont deliver directly.

That’s not the user’s issue, note the second image saying they don’t have any active pledges, which means they don’t get anything ‘delivered’ either.

Don’t cancel your pledge instantly, or Patreon won’t return your data in the API anymore.

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How is this going be solved now @nta

Re-pledge the same tier, it won’t charge you again for the month you already paid for.