VSS - Change Visualsettings on the Fly!

VSS - Visualsettings Selector

VSS is a little script based on @Jarrrk’s Visualsettings Resource which allows players to select their preferred Visualsettings Configuration from a small GUI without having to restart their game or even interrupt gameplay.

Want Realistic Graphics? Use ELS and want brighter lights? Don’t care for any of that? VSS is for you!

Enough Smalltalk, here’s the details:

  • Change Visualsettings on the Fly
  • Support for (almost) infinite visualsetting files
  • Optional, default Visualsettings are included and select-able
  • Configurable

Cool, but whats the catch?

It’s not done yet, my current plans are making configuration a bit easier and nicer and adding commands and a nicer GUI Maybe.
There may be bugs and crashes, it’s unlikely, but broken visualsettings files may do cause them.

How do i install new Visualsettings Files?

Easy! add them to the data folder, put them in the __resource.lua and to the config.lua file and done!
By default VisualV, Natural Realism and some random ELS Config are Included.

How do i open the GUI?

F3 by default
To change the keybind you need to add
setr vss_menukey 170
to your server config file, change the 170 to your preferred Control.


In the config.lua file you can add/remove Visualsettings Files, Changing the “set” value to true will cause this specific file to be loaded when a player joins, do not have multiple of these, it won’t work.
For Controls see Above.

What does “Batch Size” Do?

Batch size is the amount of lines in the visualsettings file that gets loaded in one “tick” when selecting them, higher means faster but less fps, lower means slower but more FPS.
Any Powerful PC should be able to deal with the fastest setting and stay around 20-30 fps, slower PCs may want to use the default setting or even lower.


the GUI runs using my own NativeUILua fork, it is included and doesnt require an extra installation.

How do i install it?

Like any other resource ever.


I believe this will be useful for people comparing multiple visualsettings to eachother without annoying restarts or lags, or servers who like having graphics options but also don’t want to force one config on all players.

Whatever you do with it, enjoy!


I am definitely interested in using this one!
Keep it up! :fire:

Awesome job on this release! Keep up the amazing work.


F1 is possibly the worst button choice in history. How do I change it? I don’t see the keybind anywhere?

It’s still heavily indev, thats why it currently is F1, like i said in the post, will be cahnged later on.

Oof yep I actually found it now but thanks mate!

Wow! Great job sir! Been looking for something like this for ages?
I genuinely Appreciate your releases!


Cleaned Code up a bit, enabled the “set” visualsettings and added Keybind Convar.
Also fixed indentation because thats like the WORST thing about this code /s


To change the keybind you need to add
setr vss_menukey 170
to your server config file, change the 170 to your preferred Control.

This is incredible and I didn’t even know it was possible, thanks for everything Blum!

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