[vRP] [Release] Assalto ao Banco central (Bank Robbery)

Voce precisa ter os seguintes recursos

mhacking.rar (82.3 KB)

vrp_roubobanco.rar (13.3 KB)


English maybe?

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i get this error


This script is for vRPEX (vRP 1.0), not for vRP 0.5

Although it can be easily ported to vRP 0.5

any guide on how?

How to do what my friend?

He just leaked a paid script for vRPEX, it’s not from him actually… As far as I know, you have to change several things in order to make it to work.

tu n tem vergonha de divulgar script q não eh teu?

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anyone who has this script to just vRP and not Vrpex

Can someone send a version that works for Vrp 0.5?

Forum não é lugar para script vazado ‘-’

Will it work with Dunkos vRP??? idk which version he put out

Primeiramente, isso não é um script pago. Segundo, é uma variação do script do UTKU, que foi divulgado gratuitamente pelo o mesmo. O que acontece é que existe pessoas asquerosas que se aproveitam da desinformação do brasileiro, que de maneira ignorante, por não possui domínio da língua inglesa, não consegue se informar! Se você ve alguém tomando credito por esse script, reporte-o!

First of all, this is not a paid script. Second, it is a variation of the UTKU script, which was released for free by the same. What happens is that there are disgusting people who take advantage of the disinformation of the Brazilian community, who ignorantly has not any knowlegde of the English language and cannot get information! If you see someone taking credit for this script, report it!

i’m getting the same error, if anyone want to teamup to work on the solution and eventually share the knowledge with the community, contact me please!

I’m Korean, I hope you enjoy it.
Currently, some idiot resellers translate and sell for 50,000 won. Please be careful and we will never recommend you to purchase it.

como eu converto ele para MTA