[vRP Framework]-[Psycho Edited - FX 3.5]-[23/07/17]

How I want to drink less and eat? Reduced consumption of water and food

please if u are want edit, be sure u are read all vrp content
read all line and try understand how are functionsā€¦
iā€™m make all example to u make all customize u serve, u need only read and try

Do you know how to add your icons of food and water? On these bands?

i can try, u has download of this serv ?
i can adapt to my version and translate

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I do not have such a server, I want to add such icons, icons as in this picture

i know it, but i need a base for make this

but i think its donā€™t very need to makeā€¦
read changelog in download content

It is emoji http://www.copyandpasteemoji.com/

Thanks a lot, I would very much like to add such a ā€œwarningā€ system for the police when the player presses the ā€œRobā€ button, they would be visible to the police on the map, so it would be easier for the policeman and would add drive to the players.

Iā€™m looking at the configuration of alerts ā€œWanted levelā€ ā€œWanted Syncā€ in the modules, but I have not yet figured out how to add this specifically to the robbery trigger.

omg this update is fuckkkng amazing :slight_smile: you are the best

@Nana say with me in facebook if u can find the function i can try to make itā€¦
iā€™m search too but when i try the cmd has bug and iā€™m delete and i make a 2 solution
the rob bank dont give clean money, u received dirty money, u need to laudering the dirty money for can be used

thank you @SUPERANDROID_HACKS i really apreciate u reply :slight_smile:

now iā€™m trying to add this emoji in menu

Pff with this update LsCustoms do not load the mod vehicles ā€¦ well the textures :frowning:

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ty man) you best) need emoji)

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It is seen that loads the vehicles of police and ambulance in the db of LsCustoms to the best if it does not load them load well the textures and they would not go wrong: S

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Thank you very much, Iā€™ll write to you and sign the message ā€œNana-robberyā€ so you can identify me! Thank you, thank you :wink:

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man, iā€™m donā€™t create this script lscustomā€¦
in changelog u can view original creator, iā€™m only edit the prices and add to my download with other featuresā€¦ please reply topic of original creator of lscustoms

And I know it for that: P thanks :slight_smile:

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but i can support all guys here, and join with u servers
iā€™m never read about .lua, iā€™m script kid, its is becouse iā€™m edit servers in mta 2010-2017,
u need only get the logic of the gm and u can make u want

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