[vRP Framework]-[Psycho Edited - FX 3.5]-[23/07/17]

not needed, its not final version of my vrp
in the meantime u can make rules in u server…

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You did a very cool thing with a robbery, I like it! Can I ask you to comment on my post about the garage and the car shop? I want to know about the possibility or impossibility of integration, thank you very much!

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about images in text ?

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Nope. About integrate 2 resources to vrp :wink:

send me link please, i forgot it… i need read all code to understand first

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So I think I have it right… But its still doing the same thing… If you could check my lua when you have a moment that would be a big help… thanks


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its right, u are in right group ? has 3 cloackroom, for police, fbi and sheriff in different locations

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yes, I have myself in cop, and police … and using the one behind the front desk… it is showing “other uniform” in the menu but when I click it changes me back to my mp model

-- this file configure the cloakrooms on the map
local cfg = {}
-- prepare surgeries customizations
local surgery_male = { model = "mp_m_freemode_01" }
local surgery_female = { model = "mp_f_freemode_01" }
local emergency_male = { model = "s_m_m_paramedic_01" }
local emergency_female = { model = "s_f_y_scrubs_01" }
local fbi_male = { model = "s_m_m_ciasec_01" }
local fbi_female = { model = "ig_michelle" }
local sheriff_male = { model = "s_m_y_sheriff_01"}
local sheriff_female = { model = "s_f_y_ranger_01"}
local cop_male = { model = "s_m_y_cop_01"}
for i=0,19 do
  surgery_female[i] = {0,0}
  surgery_male[i] = {0,0}
-- cloakroom types (_config, map of name => customization)
--- _config:
---- permissions (optional)
---- not_uniform (optional): if true, the cloakroom will take effect directly on the player, not as a uniform you can remove
cfg.cloakroom_types = {
  ["police"] = {
    _config = { permissions = {"police.cloakroom"} },
      ["Male uniform"] = {
      [3] = {30,0},
      [4] = {25,2},
      [6] = {24,0},
      [8] = {58,0},
      [11] = {55,0},
      ["p2"] = {2,0}
    ["Female uniform"] = {
      [3] = {35,0},
      [4] = {30,0},
      [6] = {24,0},
      [8] = {6,0},
      [11] = {48,0},
      ["p2"] = {2,0}
  ["president"] = {
    _config = { permissions = {"president.cloakroom"} },
    ["Male uniform"] = {
      [3] = {1,0},
      [4] = {10,0},
      [6] = {10,0},
      [8] = {4,0},
      [11] = {10,0},
      ["p2"] = {-1,0}      
    ["Female uniform"] = {
      [3] = {0,0},
      [4] = {37,0},
      [6] = {13,0},
      [8] = {21,1},
      [11] = {24,3},
      ["p2"] = {-1,0}
  ["surgery"] = {
    _config = { not_uniform = true },
    ["Male"] = surgery_male,
    ["Female"] = surgery_female
  ["emergency"] = {
    _config = { permissions = {"emergency.cloakroom"} },
    ["Male"] = emergency_male,
    ["Female"] = emergency_female
  ["fbi"] = {
    _config = { permissions = {"fbi.cloakroom"} },
    ["Male"] = fbi_male,
    ["Female"] = fbi_female
  ["sheriff"] = {
    _config = { permissions = {"sheriff.cloakroom"} },
    ["Male"] = sheriff_male,
    ["Female"] = sheriff_female
 ["policenp"] = {
    _config = { permissions = {"police.cloakroom"} },
    ["Male"] = cop_male
cfg.cloakrooms = {
  {"police", 1848.21, 3688.51, 34.2671},
  {"police", 444.743347167969, -975.502624511719, 30.6895961761475},
  {"police", 369.9228515625,-1607.12976074219,29.291934967041},
  {"fbi", 442.023559570313,-996.088012695313,30.6896018981934},
  {"sheriff", 451.532592773438,-973.137451171875,30.6895999908447},
  {"surgery",1849.7425,3686.5759,34.2670},----first spawn change skin
  {"policenp",x,y,z} -- change cords
return cfg

Ok, Ill put some coords in and let you know… Thanks… Everything else that you have updated today seems to be working great so far :slight_smile: Great job

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now i get try to make lscustom work correctly with permissions if i has sucess i’m go to make new jobs, thanks

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if u server are online test for me if all police are working correctly

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How to add whitelist on all players?

whitelist to enter server ? or get job ?

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Worked like a charm!!! Thank you soo much!!

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Enter server of course.

are 2 whitelist…
u need make this out off vrp, is basic configure citmp-server

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[EDIT] Deleted post…

I found some interesting questions when I tested

  1. When the player robs the bank, the player plays the police can not receive the news of robbery.
  2. When the player is wanted, in addition to SWAT and FBI, LSPD and LSSD will not attack the player
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