[vRP Framework]-[Psycho Edited - FX 3.5]-[23/07/17]

Still active and being worked on?
I hope so. LS Customs for vRP seems to be dead in the tread :frowning:

Are still developing the project. It has not been time to post more about vrp

does anyone have a fix for the vrp identification error?

To me before I gave but after the update no longer, create the databases again and leave everything to 0

Do i really have to set the peoples jobs everytime they get into the server or go do another job and comeback

please bro update :S This is amazing work

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kind of dumb but i did a lot of testing. but how do i assign jobs and where do i go to get the jobs

Hi bro
How to hide their own Fxserver server?
I did not find the relevant settings in server.cfg

to hide it go to server.cfg look for this line # disable announcing? clear out the master by uncommenting this

#sv_master1 ""

make it into this

# disable announcing? clear out the master by uncommenting this
sv_master1 ""
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menu admin “add group” for the list open cfg/groups.lua ex: addgroup 1 police

even after that when people go to the police station they dont get a prompt to become an officer am i missing something? i did exactly that and it worked for addgroup 1 emergency

you need to add the group cop

You have to go in front of the police office choose police or sherif etc … and go behind the office to change his outfit

alright cool ill try it out. by any chance would u know a fix to the vrp identification error?

Done! Its a beta release, but working.

Nice work :slight_smile: im installing it now :slight_smile:

i get that message but cant change clothes or anything

https://forum.cfx.re/t/release-los-santos-customs-by-arturs/1774v use that for now

i’ve never had that problem, are you sure the database is setup correctly?

Im just saying when i go to another job then i go back to police i have to re add my group