[vRP] [ESX] [STANDALONE] Player Blips for admins FiveM

Hello guys! A dude asked me if i could make a simple script that shows blips on the map of every player playing on the server.

There’s also a feature that can let people choose to see only player names on top of their head, see that they are talking or not.

Commands are:

Right now this works for every player on the server. If you need to let it work just for a group, permission and so on, you need to work on the server.lua. If you need help write down here.

I also added a version for vRP that checks if you have the “admin.blips” permission on the cfg/groups.lua file.

And this is the final version made for esx. Just made it today (05/02/2020)


this for admins only correct?

May be for admins but I don’t see any lines wanting admins’ steam hex or anything so basically anyone could use these two commands

I hope this also answers your question.

it’s not just for admins. If you want this to work just for them, you need to integrate the server.lua with admin permission. Next update will be a vrp and esx version. vrp coming soon

print / video ::: :mãos_ levantadas:


post updated…

Hello sry for asking, what different esx and vrp? cannot install two of this ?

you could, but it’s not recommendend. Btw vrp and esx are calld framework, and those help your roleplay server mananing some basics stuff like money, player interaction, vehciles and so on.
The difference between vrp and esx are some big ones. Personally i prefer vrp because it’s simpler and lighter then esx.

tq, but what most popular release ? vrp or esx ?

It’s preatty most a personal thing. Most people use esx, but, as i said, vrp in lighter and (personal opinion) cooler ;D

We want esx version!

done ;D

it would be nice if u make blips for police and ems alone they can see togther in the map

Would be nice if your script dont conflict with our permission to talk in chat. non hai i permessi dude!

it’s not a script error… your chat could be broken ore something else…

How to add ID next to the name?

Are you referring to esx or vrp?

for vrp


My playerblips on the map aren’t showing up, but the chat message says that these are on.
ESX is my version.

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same here …