[vRP] [ESX] AntiCheat for FiveM

Really nice share

I’m using Mellotrainer to port over teh map while i check things. Problem I use your script and always I portet to same place:

6.18 -708.93 87.9

how can I fix or stop this without not using your script. please? @HackerGeo

How to fix command to be used only for admin?

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RegisterCommand("ac", function(source)
    local user_id = vRP.getUserId({source})	
	local player = vRP.getUserSource({user_id})
	local name = GetPlayerName(source)
	local cfg = getConfig()
    if vRP.hasPermission({user_id, "anticheat.settings"}) then
		TriggerClientEvent("HG_AntiCheat:Toggle", -1, 1)
		vRPclient.notifyPicture(source,{"CHAR_LESTER",1,"HG_AntiCheat",false,"You do not have access to the settings"})

how to remove the hud?

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remove these:

Citizen.CreateThread( function()
	while true do
        Wait( 0 )
        rgb = RGBRainbow(2)
        ACstatus(0.19, 0.88, 1.0,1.0,0.4, "AntiCheat: "..AntiCheatStatus, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, 255, 200)
        ACstatus(0.19, 0.88 + 0.03, 1.0,1.0,0.35, "NPCs: ~r~"..PedStatus, 255, 255, 255, 200)
end )

In esx server?

No, but easily changed so it will.

is there any way for me to stop killing npcs?

I installed “Anticheat” , but I don’t like that one feature: it deletes the NPC in the server itself, causing explosions, crashing the plane because there is no control NPC , traffic is blocked because no NPC controls the car, Please !

where do i add in this line? anticheat.settings


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There’s an ESX version?

look up

I mean an ESX version of this version: https://github.com/HackerGeo-sp1ne/HG_AntiCheat/blob/master/server.lua

to hard to look up : https://github.com/schwim0341/esx_anticheat (it’s the same anticheat but for esx)

It’s not the same script version as the one i’ve described…

u gave me the vrp version i gave u the esx version bcs u need esx

i don’t work with esx so i don’t what’s the diference they are working

The ESX version is outdated when compared with this: https://github.com/HackerGeo-sp1ne/HG_AntiCheat/blob/master/server.lua.
I’m searching for this version ^ on ESX.

I use ESX, Currently my server has a lot of players using hacked money. How to add a test script if the player has> = 20,000,000 USD Then the anticheat will automatically remove the amount or ban them from the server. Thank you