[vRP] Drug Dealer

[Please move this topic to Fivem Resource Development & Modding Releases]

[vRP] vRP-DrugDealer

[Error]The script has an error in building the menu, otherwise everything goes perfectly, if you want to repair and use it you are free, during this time I am working on a future script and I do not have time, maybe I will repair it later, apart from that the script is perfectly functional

Depedencies: vRP

Download: https://github.com/syndicate1984/-vRP-DrugDealer
How to install:


IN SERVER.CFG TYPE START vrp_drug_dealer THEN RESTART vrp_drug_dealer

Add harvest.weed permission to a group

At line 48 u have to edit the item that u need to grow weed

At line 87 and 89 u have to edit the item that u will recive


great release man keep going <3

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nice one

I like breaking immersion with Staff tag’s above my head, haha nah jokes. Nice release for vRP!

Merge perfect,si este facut foarte bine ! Respect pentru scripterii <3

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Doesn’t work for me. The plant areas doesn’t appear…

use /buildconfisca

I can write /buildconfisca - but no plants appear. I don’t have any errors in console or in f8. Whats wrong? I haven’t translated the script either… so really wondering why the plants aren’t appearing. The npc’s are there and all… and they tell me to go to the field.

restart the script then type /buildconfisca

Can you make the staff image attachment as paid in esx?

Hi again,
Could you make it so the script starts itself, ThorHUB? I really like it, but when the server restarts it would be nice that it also restarted the script.
Furthermore DrawText3D is with a big d… that was why it wouldn’t work. A fix for that would be in order :slight_smile:

Nothing appears just the npc without the blip

[Error]The script has an error in building the menu, otherwise everything goes perfectly, if you want to repair and use it you are free, during this time I am working on a future script and I do not have time, maybe I will repair it later, apart from that the script is perfectly functional

Hey ThorHUB,
Thanks for your reply; I would really appreciate a fix so the script restarts after a serverrestart on its own. Of course in due time.

can some1 convert this scripts to esx?

Hey guys when i got the Job how i can plant the weed?

I got the peds with a blue blip but as soon as I enter planting mode nothing happens, anyone found a fix yet? :slight_smile:

For the time being I just set pacamp to always true and then it works fine.

Is it working for you? i tried and for me, it’s not…

What have you done?


I literrally said what I did in my post XD