VPS isn't good enough? Optimized ExM server crashing when over 70 players

Hi, I’m back with another question.

We’re running ExM based server and experiencing crashes when there’s over 70 players on the server.

I’ve tried to keep everything as smooth as possible, thanks to advice of many people like deterministic_bubble in my last post regarding hitch warnings.

However, I’m not so sure, if it’s only HW problem (I already upgraded my VPS 2 weeks ago) and I really need to switch to dedicated server (which is honestly the easiest solution) OR if it’s there something else I might not see and would be a problem even if we would go for dedicated server now.

Here’s CPU stressed around 60 players in Resource monitor. When there was 70+, CPU was over 70%. Online monitoring NEVER showed more than 50% CPU, even with 70+ players.

Roughly 2 hours before the crash, at this point around 50-60 players.

Here’s the crash marked (other’s are planned restarts, including the very last drop)

CPU usage monitored via host provider

Traffic monitor

And what the error on client side looked like

So, at least to me, it looks live VPS is not delivering. But correct me, if I’m wrong. That’s why am I asking here in the first place.

If you think it is insufficient VPS causing issues here, this should be more then enough for around 200 players, right?

VPS is 8c 2.4Ghz, 16GB ram, SSD

This is a dedicated server I’m looking at as a possible replacement instead of CPU throttled VPS we have now.

Intel i7-7700K - 4c/ 8t - 4.2GHz/ 4.5GHz
32gb RAM
2 x 4 TB HDD SATA Soft RAID (or rather 2 x 450 GB SSD NVMe Soft RAID?)
Public bandwidth 500 Mbit/s unmetered (will that be enough for voip, including radio?)

Thanks to everyone who bothers to read this and even more so to those that bother to reply :raised_hands:

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I run a server with 64 players and that server is hosted on a machine with waaay lower specs than what you have, I only have 2 cores and 4GB RAM assigned to the server and it works fine.
What you should do is take a look at your firewall settings and also ask the hosting provider to check on their end, I’m quite sure that its a problem with the internet.
Maybe your hosting provider drops the clients packages as it might think its malicious I’m not sure.

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I wrote it wrong… We still run VPS with 8c 2.4Ghz, 16GB ram and SSD

The dedicated server above was an idea of possible replacement. I am more and more convicted that this VPS solution is just not right for this amount of player we aim for.

It’s super laggy when I’m trying to do anything on it.

What hosting provider do you use?


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