[VORP] Reputation System

:star2: New Reputation System :star2:

Hello everyone! Today I present to you the new reputation system, designed to offer a more versatile and dynamic experience. This system is based on zones with vector3 coordinates, allowing greater flexibility in its implementation.

:desktop_computer: Simple and Intuitive Interface

The script features a minimalist and easy-to-understand UI, providing a clear and accessible way to view the character鈥檚 reputation. It has been designed to work independently, without relying on other systems, you just put a command and the reputations appears, after 5 seconds it goes away, it鈥檚 not static.

:gear: Main Features

:small_blue_diamond: Custom Reputation Management

  • Reputation is managed at the character level, not the user.
  • A user with multiple characters can have a different reputation for each one.

:small_blue_diamond: Flexible Integration

  • Support for exports on the server and events on the client.
  • Easy to deploy on any server.

:small_blue_diamond: Dynamic Effects and Reactions

  • NPCs with different behaviors based on the character鈥檚 reputation:
    • Fear :fearful:
    • Self-defense instinct :gun:
    • Nervous state (they move away slowly but do not flee) :sweat:
  • Police generation in designated areas
    • Customization of NPC model, weapon, accuracy, and other attributes.
  • Configurable notifications
    • Compatible with chat or VORP.
  • Automated police NPC management
    • Removal after death with a configurable cooldown.
  • Reputation limit settings
    • Allows adjusting the maximum reputation a character can achieve.

:small_blue_diamond: And many more features!

:camera_flash: Below, I leave you previews of the system in action.


:star2: Nuevo Sistema de Reputaci贸n :star2:

隆Hola a todos! Hoy les presento el nuevo sistema de reputaci贸n, dise帽ado para ofrecer una experiencia m谩s vers谩til y din谩mica. Este sistema se basa en zonas con coordenadas vector3, permitiendo una mayor flexibilidad en su implementaci贸n, se maneja mediante un comando que hace aparecer la reputacion y en el lapso de 5 segundos desaparece, no es una imagen estatica en la pantalla.

:desktop_computer: Interfaz Simple e Intuitiva

El script cuenta con una UI minimalista y f谩cil de entender, brindando una forma clara y accesible de visualizar la reputaci贸n del personaje. Se ha dise帽ado para funcionar de manera independiente, sin depender de otros sistemas.

:gear: Caracter铆sticas Principales

:small_blue_diamond: Gesti贸n de reputaci贸n personalizada

  • La reputaci贸n se maneja a nivel de personaje, no de usuario.
  • Un usuario con varios personajes podr谩 tener una reputaci贸n distinta en cada uno.

:small_blue_diamond: Integraci贸n flexible

  • Soporte para exports en el servidor y eventos en el cliente.
  • F谩cil de implementar en cualquier servidor.

:small_blue_diamond: Efectos y reacciones din谩micas

  • NPCs con distintos comportamientos seg煤n la reputaci贸n del personaje:
    • Miedo :fearful:
    • Instinto de defensa propia :gun:
    • Estado nervioso (se alejan lentamente pero no huyen) :sweat:
  • Generaci贸n de polic铆as en zonas espec铆ficas
    • Personalizaci贸n del modelo de NPC, arma, punter铆a y otros atributos.
  • Notificaciones configurables
    • Compatible con chat o VORP.
  • Manejo automatizado de NPCs policiales
    • Eliminaci贸n tras su muerte con un cooldown configurable.
  • Configuraci贸n del l铆mite de reputaci贸n
    • Permite ajustar el m谩ximo de reputaci贸n que un personaje puede alcanzar.

:small_blue_diamond: 隆Y muchas funciones m谩s!

:camera_flash: A continuaci贸n, les dejo vistas previas del sistema en acci贸n.




image (4)



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| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 600 |
| Requirements | No |
| Support | Yes |
