[vorp] chat + rumor


chat for Vorp roleplay
has /me, /do, report, private message, testigo, auxilio
new /3dme /3ddo

The design is fully configurable, open source
Rumor System

Resmon 0.00ms

:shopping_cart: Purchase via Tebex

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) S/N
Requirements VORP+ OX_LIB
Support Yes
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Update: It is no longer available for direct download, now you can download it from your keymaster

how can install the chat ?

the error in the chat

hello friend you have to do ensure chat first, the vorp_rpchat at the end

at the end of all script ?

how to disable the chat when player is joined ?

in the server.cfg I added ensure chat at the top, the ensure vorp_rpchat at the low of all the ensure
has this below vorp_core

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can hide the chat when player is joining ?

yes search this sv_chat.lua playerJoining and I comment. line 229

Is blocked all files .lua


I already updated it, download again


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can make /me,/do appearing on the head ?

that will be a next update

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When will be the update ?
a certainty of the update

Sorry for this many questions

Is this okay? /me /do is separated from chat, it has the commands /3dme and /3ddo
It is already uploaded, you can update

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yes is okey , but can make /do must remain fixed, and when you do it again the command disappears?
/me is fine as and now, if something we will send you more money,
if is possible to change /me, /3dme,/do,/3ddo and in one command can be disable from config.
the command /me can be the same of /3dme vice versa for /do and /3ddo ,which can be disabled from the config.

Just reading this as iā€™m having the same problem i found it at Line 229 but what do i do with it.?
I was told from someone on a discord to remove it but did that and it didnt do anything