
Ah, yes. I did the ol’ Google homework and found it lol. Thanks much!

Hello! Thanks you for your work! I have a question, is it possible to remove almost all options of the trainer to only keep the camera lock system?
I tried to “denied” everything except misc but dosen’t seem to work, i only have “about” section ingame.

€dit: I finally randomly found how to remove everything except misc options, but i don’t know how i did it. Is there a setting planned to allow different ranges lock? I usualy used 30° horizontal lock and full vertical lock with LambdaMenu for drift, horizontal full locked is too much extreme for drift servers. Thanks you for this trainer anyway, very nice already to have a server side camera lock!

Hey could someone help me out with finding the spot to change the menu toggle key

Sadly, no. It was a pain to get this working so far and I really don’t feel like adding more options to make this any more complicated and laggy than it already is.

No. You find it yourself. The link to the docs is posted in the topic. That’s the only hint you’ll get.

laggy? worked fine for me, but ok nevermind.
Anyway i seen that it make my admin trainer for weather and time not working. Do you know how i can disable these functions to get it back?

Hi i’ve got a question how i can take vMenu from top-right to bottom right ??

vMenu is stuck in the right hand corner for me as well, I’ve also noticed that there is a slight lag with join and kill feed where it slowly fades in then slowly fades out flickering… I’ll try a fresh install and report back! otherwise i like the menu!

vMenu is supposed to be on the top right, this is hard coded in the nativeui version I use.

but vMenu if i’m press F2 it will open noclip and inventory

I need to add in permissions to no everyone have vMenu i need to vMenu have a only admins. Can you help me ?

change the noclip key to something else I guess, Configuration Options :: vMenu Documentation

not possible currently

How do I change controls?

I have read the docs, and cant figure it out

See this, it’s explained very clearly there.
The only controls you can change are the menu open/close button and the noclip toggle button.

Hey, @Ventura when do you plan on adding MP character customization?

It’s already a wip. Not sure when it’ll be completed.

Why is there no __resource.lua?

Because you downloaded the wrong file.
You downloaded the source files instead of the release zip.

Is there any talk about having an attach to vehicle option. Like in the trainer so we can use trailers and such?