
Don’t get me wrong, I really do appreciate all suggestions, however this one feels like something unnecessary to me, considering a hotkey 9 times out of 10 gets pressed on accident. I might add it later, and have a per-player on/off toggle for it, however it won’t be added soon as I’ve got other things to work on first.

its all good. i do really love your menu. and there is a large admin application for it as well we use it to Handel all our bans at the moment because of how well it works would consider a database driven ban and warning version? i dont hate the way it is with the json string but having it link into the database could be useful for other things like have my web admin pannel remove bans or remove bans without being on the server to do so. and i guess well maybe a warning function or a log for kicks. with the reason date and time. (:slight_smile:

I intentionally avoided using a database for the following reasons:

  • easier to implement it using json and a file
  • reduces stress on the server if there had to be db checks for bans, each time someone refreshes the ban menu in game.
  • allows for easy editing the file to alter or remove bans without the need of some db tool
  • a lot easier to set up for beginners
  • no need for a db, so servers not using a database can still use this feature

Also, for your web server, if it’s on the same host, simply create a system link and access the json file. To load it on your website.

Logging to an external file should already be implemented, not entirely sure if I added it to kicks too though.

Warning system: I feel like just messaging someone through chat or kicking them with a custom reason is a fair warning system as is, not really sure what type of warning you would want that doesn’t kick or send a message…

True. i guess a log file that logged kicks would just be usefull

it would be nice if you could disable individual things things like in player actions i don’t want players to be able to give them self’s full health and armor any time but the rest is super nice

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I’m getting messages in my server stating that the menu is using a lot of resources.

A lot? That’s not really helpful… could you tell me how many ms, what features (checkboxes) you have turned on, etc. what version of vMenu you’re using?

Maybe im completely retarted (more than likely the case) but i followed instructions on permissions, but people still have acess to everything. For instance if i wanted people to not be able to teleport to waypoints then id make that line like this right?

add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.OnlinePlayers.Teleport" denied

Welp yes i am an idiot i figured it out XD

no. This has been mentioned probably 9 million times by now, but I’ve just added this to the wiki because apparently it’s still not known:


Yea i figured it out as soon as i posted…

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I only got this instance once yesterday when I first updated to v1.1.3 and it gave me a 13ms error. But that only happened once after the server restart to update vMenu to the newest version. Just posting this in case you were gathering info about it.

this is probably because it converts all saved vehicles when opening the menu for the first time after updating. To update all saved peds, spawn them all at least once.

Will probably give warnings then but there’s no way to fix this as the process also uses nativeui to update the menu, which is most likely what causes the warnings.

vMenu voice chat settings override other VoIP resources. such as proximity voice chats become global again etc

so? Is this a good/bad thing?

If you don’t want this, then disable the voice chat options by not giving the permissions to use the menu.

Yup this is what I do because I’m using another resource to handle proximity chat.

Quick question @Vespura, so instead of doing deny I should just # or remove the permission line now? I did add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.NoClip” deny and it seem to work. I don’t think anyone has access to the no clip option. Also thank you so much for putting no clip to F2 keybind xD. Not sure if it has been that way but I been using another resource for noclip so I wasn’t sure. I’m getting ready to only use vMenu to handle these soon on my server and this is very helpful.

any chance you could either make it or add in a box to change the time it takes for weather to change from one weather to another… as in if i set it to rain in the menu. instead of it instantly turning to rain can it gradually start raining so maybe transition into it over like 120 secs?

just like too report maybe a bug i have found i use your menu to ban and tempban on my server and after the server has been up for like 6-8 hrs or a admin is on for a long time tempbans and bans just dont take u can go in and try and issue them hit enter and nothing happens now if i restart the resource and go and do it again while still in server it then works fine


Weather doesn’t change instantly atm. It currently takes 15 seconds to change. (There is no way to make this longer, 15 seconds is the max duration.)

What… that makes no sense at all.

Setting it to deny will permanently block it for everyone. Nobody will be able to use it. Even if you explicitly give them access to it. So if you want to permanently disable a feature for everyone, then you can leave it at deny. Just add # or remove the line if you only want certain players to use it.

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