Which has been deprecated for years and doesn’t even work on FiveM anymore. No support will be given for it.
can someone help me edit the permissions, new to developing @zee
Don’t work on Linux?
Can the vMenu do things like attach vehicles like the super old menu did? Sorry, kinda new to FiveM and stuff so, all I know is stuff on vids. vMenu looks and feels much better/is newer/updated. So kinda wondering if attaching vehicles is still a thing.
So Quick Question
If i have myself as a admin in Vmenu does that mean i ignore all 'perms that are false ?
Because i re did the perms but for some reason i don’t have access to player blips and overhead names but even though i still have access to everything . Also this is the same with Noclip
Hey, updated to the last version yesterday that was released, but now no one can open the menu anymore… does someone know whatsup?
No clue, can apond that issue as well. Also Installed it wrong a few times and unsure if I’m even installing the menu correctly anymore
how can i change the keybind?
Hello we are going to ban people in our server and the ban command works all fine the box saying reason an things some up but it doesn’t actually do anything I have looked around and seen somthing about a bans.json file what would this be and do I need it?
how can i hear someone who i spectate him
any way to spawn new DLC cars ? the trainer can’t find the new cars !
Heyoh! I was wondering if we could get support for an engine toggle key. I really would prefer not to use anything else besides the vMenu. So darn awesome. <3 If not it’s cool. Thanks for at least considering my request! Keep up the great work!
Ain’t no more updates to vMenu bruh
I did this, and even delete the whole lines for voice options, but still showing up even after a server restart, any ideas on that?
Anyone have same problem?
vMenu is hitching so much.
I’m still having issues to change the buttons to F1 F3
so i seemed to have done everything correctly… Civilians cant spawn in some leo cars and blah blah , but when i add my hex to my principle i made for owner and config everything, still doesnt work, it used to on my other server i run and i went through it with the windows side by side to get a reference and still doesnt work for anyones perms besides civ
Having an issue, Vmenu is installed, can’t see any errors when starting the server and it starts the vMenu resource perfectly fine. In game if I type in /vmenuclient I get a message confirming “vMenu is currently running version: v3.1.2.” but the menu just won’t appear, default key was always M, tried that, nothing tried every key but it won’t appear.
I then went into the permissions.cfg and edited the code:
setr vmenu_menu_toggle_key *
setr vmenu_noclip_toggle_key - (I tried multiple key combinations)
I just cannot get vMenu to work. Any suggestions on where to start?
You can’t use the actual key… You need the number that corresponds to that key.