Vehicle Rescue - London Studios - (Paid)
This premium resource is a great addition to any roleplay server, providing a realistic vehicle rescue experience using inflatable airbags and wheel chocks. This will ultimately enhance roleplay for those involved in a collision, including the civilian who may be trapped under and those who rescue them, lifting the vehicle up and down with inflatable jacks. You can then use the vehicle wheel chocks to stop the car moving.
This is used by emergency services globally as a safe way to lift or lower a vehicle. It’s now in FiveM.
There is a custom model included, created by Adam Fenton. We’d like to thank him for working with us.
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Paid Resource
This is a paid resource, we are conducting the sale of it through Tebex. This is approved by FiveM and we have been in contact with them to confirm this sale is approved.
Find out more and purchase it here.
/jack setup - This sets up an inflatable jack on the nearest vehicle. You are also able to use a jack that is already set-up on another vehicle, if another player is not using it.
/jack remove - This removes an inflatable jack on the nearest vehicle. You are unable to do this if another player is controlling the jack.
/chock setup - This sets up car chocks on the nearest vehicle. These stop the vehicle moving during rescue.
/chock remove - This removes car chocks on the nearest vehicle.
ARROW UP - After setting up a jack, use the arrow up button to lift up the vehicle
ARROW DOWN - After setting up a jack, use the arrow up button to lower the vehicle
ENTER - Finish controlling the jack, this allows another player to do /jack setup and use it
Full Features
Setup a jack - You can setup an inflatable jack or use someone else’s after they have set it up
Remove a jack - You can easily remove an inflatable jack using the command
Lift or lower the vehicle - By simply pressing arrow up or arrow down, you can adjust the height of the vehicle
Setup Chocks - During an incident involving vehicles, you can stop it moving using chocks.
Remove Chocks - You, or another person can easily remove the chocks using the command.
Framework Integration - vRP / ESX / Others
- Permission checks - You can easily add server-sided permission checks in sv_vehiclerescue.lua
- Purchase the resource here.
- Create a new resource folder in your server directory.
- Check your email for the downloaded resource, please check your spam folder.
- Place the contents of the downloaded .zip inside the resource folder.
London Studios are committed to ensuring high standard support is offered to all customers who have purchased this resource. Our support team will do our best to assist you, however in some circumstances we will be unable to assist, such as integrating it with a framework our support team may not be familiar.
We appreciate feedback, bugs and suggestions related to Vehicle Rescue and future plugins. We hope you enjoy using the resource and look forward to hearing from people and seeing videos/screenshots of the plugin in action!
Take a look at some screenshots of the plugin in action!