Vehicle Rental

Requires: ox_inventory, ox_lib

GitHub (Download Here)

Vehicle Rental

  • add as many locations as you’d like
  • each location can have different vehicles and pricing
  • option to add images when hovering vehicle options (ox_lib)
  • Renter receives rental papers that display rental info when item is hovered
    (Renter’s Name, License Plate #, Vehicle Name)




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*Discount Codes in discord

  • Drug Processing (Meth, Coke, Weed)
  • Spawn Selector
  • Restaurant Jobs
  • Payment System
  • Metal Detector
  • Weed Table
  • Black Out Heist

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 300
Requirements ox_inventory, ox_lib
Support Yes (discord)

it would be great to add a time limit to get the vehicle, also add that if you already rented a vehicle you can not rent more, so you do not abuse any spam or abuse of rentals

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Thought about both of those. For renting multiple, it costs money so it’s on them if they want to keep wasting money. For time limit, didn’t make much sense to add since they will be wiped every server reset. Not really needed imo but can consider adding config options for both


Why is the [E] system not being added seriously?
Many people did not use the fingerprint system

Thought about both of those. For renting multiple, it costs money so it’s on them if they want to keep wasting money. For time limit, didn’t make much sense to add since they will be wiped every server reset. Not really needed imo but can consider adding config options for both

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its very rare that servers use this anymore and players prefer targets over floating text. You are welcome to add in if you’d like however


Very nice script !

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Great script, only issue that I have noticed, with how you have the vehicle set up to spawn at the moment it is constantly looking to spawn the vehicle at the ‘legion’ location rather than looking for the spawn location specified in the config for each location

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fixed, thank you for noticing that

it would be cool if for a time, they get charged like every 30 minutes or so