Vehicle Kits - Wheel Stancer, Nitro Kits, Custom Engine and Turbo!

does anyone know how to put it in the shared.lua because when i go to use it, it says item does not exist.


Hello, I’m seeing this a lot. Any Ideas?



How you add items in qbcore?
Just add it in shared.lua,

Unfortunately thats is the known error mention in my og post…

Ill try to update it again with passing only a vehicle type of entity… that must be the reason…

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Got ya! It seems to work still. Just not sure if its causing other issues lol.


see i did, but i cant use the item to install the stancerkit, and yes i do in the vehicle. yes qbcore

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Config.Framework = ‘QBCORE’

Config must be like this.

And when starting the script.

register item stancerkit
must print.

For more help open in github issues section.

Provide your shared.lua
Ill look upon it. :upside_down_face:


got it thanks! sorry for being so annoying :frowning:


this is dope, but i noticed a piece of coding about air suspension? is that like an option :)))))


Hi can you tell me what I can add that only the mechanic can open the menu? For ESX

Can I also lock the key to open the menu? that you can only open the menu via command?

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idk for what reason , the stancer does not work for me
I can see the menu , i try changing the value but it does not effect the car in game
any help

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Nitro cannot be installed on the right-hand drive

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it could happen if you rename the script.
it should be renzu_stancer not renzu_stancer_main for ex.

its required by default to be a mechanic job

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I had trouble getting the turbo sounds to, actually be heard? is there a way to turn the sounds up? or any thoughts?


Yea you could increase volume in script.js


oh okay illl try that

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What would be the correct way MAX_VALUE

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Max is 1.0,
This the line you need to edit


Regarding the stance menu , if you can make it so the camera doesnt lock when in the menu will be great , its kinda annoying where you have to open and close menu again to check how the stance loonks

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thank you!

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When the nitro hits zero if you keep holding the key down it will go forever until you let go of the key. Is there a fix for this?

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