Vehicle handling question

Hi guys i had a question about vehicles, Currently trying to adjust and level out the top speed between classes and as we are testing we noticed certain DLC vehicles speeds are not responding the same with similar numbers we adjusted in the handling.meta files, for instance


The Vehicles seem to drop speed without braking as if they are locked, We have adjusted a few things to try to get a close result of what we are looking for and we are not having any luck, If any vehicle devs could reach out ill post a clip below as a example,

Vehicle handling and meta can be handled in multiple places/by many different factors (electric vehicles, motorcycles, boats, etc shouldn’t be edited with the same methodology as cars) you may also have some addon vehicles that replace those handling files.

I’ve seen quite a few addon cars (usually intended for single-player) that will stream (is that the right word?) replacement meta files for said vehicles.

We’d need to see the exact meta files you’re editing/replacing/streaming and some info in them to assist you further.

Additionally, it may be easier to just load a “replacement” for all vehicles and edit those individually rather than go through and try to make your own.

This is intended to remove weapons from vehicles but is a good base to start from as they stream all the vehicles I think.

Author of No Car Guns here. FiveM currently does not allow for replacement vehicles.meta, only addon, due to how FiveM hooks into GTA. (Not even editing the level meta works.) However, this purpose should require editing handling.meta and not vehicles.meta files so you should be fine. My resource does not edit any handling outside of removing SubHandlingData section CVehicleWeaponHandlingData (except for rcbandito), so it should not be a template for modifying handling.meta for this purpose.

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The above link should help you figure out what the different handling.meta parameters mean. It sounds like you need to edit fInitialDragCoeff, nInitialDriveGears, fInitialDriveForce, and/or fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel, provided you’re not losing speed to wheel spin, which you haven’t described. Any additional assistance would require more information.

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