Using the Steam API key manually on the server


Thank you very much it is now working like a charm

Will this prevent issues with our servers with authentication servers in the future? or will that still be a issue with steam?

*gets out :crystal_ball:*

“Sorry, no fortune telling today.”


how about in a rented server ? can we do this one ?

? what kind of rented server? Like who do you go through?

zap host

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For Zap Hosting you have to wait for it to update itself

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youll have to wait for them to update it.

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ohhh i see. thanks

Hey boss, what do you exactly mean by this? To wait for it to update itself

No the dev of zap have to update it. So you need to wait for them to wake up. and do it themselves.

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It’s expected that they’ll offer an upgrade later today - business hours are only just starting in Germany which is where ZAP is located.

Zap must put the last FiveM server shift on their side

yeah i hope it’s not a long wait

hello i want to help me i cant find the oldest folder to put the new pudate 1618

it wont be as @ytterbium said

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okay, so using this method wont do anything for zap users right? as of right now…

U just drag and drop into the main directory of your server