I’m trying to setup a systemd for a .sh file to start up a FiveM server on linux. I fixed a couple of error that came out of it before like a permissions error and now I start it up but it says “loaded” and not “active” which I was hoping for, then at the bottom I see “Started server2 service” even though it is not started.
hmm, i’m not experienced with linux but do u start it as it says?
this is very easy
first create a file called fivem.service
then inside the file add the following
Description=FiveM Server
ExecStart=/bin/sh run.sh
make sure you edit the working directory to match were you have the fivem installed, after that its a simple case of creating the service and starting it like so
create link
systemctl enable fivem.service
start service
service fivem start
It only work with version 296 of FX build :
New versions won’t work…
How can you tell the server.cfg to your service ? => Edit Found it how.
But, why it took all my CPU when started with systemD, while it’s ok when I start it manually ? ( …/run.sh +exec server.cfg from ssh-bash)
Ok Yoo Etuldan look that !
in your /etc/systemd/system
vi fivem.service
Description=FiveM Server
ExecStart=/bin/sh /home/ddrolet/run.sh +exec server.cfg
------enable fivem service----
systemctl enable fivem.service
----create link----
service fivem start
----start service----
service fivem start
----Look Status----
systemctl status fivem.service
Try that Brah
Running FXServer as a system user, is a very bad idea. You should always run it as a standard user, even better if it does not have sudo privileges.
This is what I use, and it works perfectly. It also has the added bonus of running the service as a standard user without additional privileges and will automagically restart if the host OS detects a problem with the service itself.
Description=FiveM Server
ExecStart=/bin/sh run.sh