||| Urban Legends RP ||| 18+ "Custom Cars, Heists, Economy, Active Staff, Realism, Jobs, Gangs, Custom Maps, Police, Emergency Services, Crafting, Housing, Legal/Illegal Activities, Racing, Events

:city_sunset: Dive into a World Beyond Imagination in Los Santos! :city_sunset:


Boosting is now in city come join and boost some cars
:rocket: Get ready to experience Los Santos like never before. Join us and become a legend of your own!

LSPD will get 10,000 sign on bonus

Check out Lamar at Alta Apartments

When you first fly in go see Lamar, take the tour and get a free car, truck or bike
New gangs to the city will get a MLO and a drug if you have something you want add for your gang we can add them just let us know

Urban Legends RP: A GTA Roleplay Adventure :red_car::city_sunset:

Dive into Urban Legends RP city where the action never stops. Thrive in a world brimming with criminal activities :man_detective: or uphold justice by joining the LSPD :man_police_officer:, now hiring. Whether you’re plotting a heist :moneybag: or patrolling the streets :oncoming_police_car:, every day is a new story. Your legend starts now. :star2:

Urban Legends RP Highlights: :video_game::earth_africa:

Car Boosting and VIN Scratching :rocket:: Enhance your vehicle’s performance and disguise its origin.
Immersive Experience :star2:: Utilizes NoPixel 4.0 cars and maps for unparalleled realism.
Criminal Ventures :moneybag:: Engage in a wide range of illicit activities.
LSPD Careers :man_police_officer:: The Los Santos Police Department is actively recruiting.
Dynamic World :earth_americas:: Every choice writes a new page in your Urban Legends story.
Construction Job :building_construction:: Build your empire.
Hunting :deer:: Embrace the wild, hunt for rewards.
Fake Plates & Car Rental :red_car:: Drive with style and anonymity.
Mechanic Shops :wrench:: Customize your ride to perfection.
Racing :checkered_flag:: Burn rubber and race for glory.
Stadium :stadium:: Be a part of grand events.
Fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish:: Relax and catch the biggest fish.
Burger Shot :hamburger:: Satisfy your cravings.
DJ Booth :headphones:: Pump up the jam and own the party.
Mining :pick:: Dig deep for riches.
Parking :parking:: Hassle-free spaces for your cars.
Pops :lollipop:: Sweet treats for a sweet ride.
Recycle :arrows_counterclockwise:: Keep Los Santos clean and green.
White Widow :ghost:: Discover the city’s mysterious side.
Underground Street Races :vertical_traffic_light:: Speed through the city’s hidden tracks.

Newly added
NO pixel 4.0 maps and cars

Coming Soon:
Weapon Manufacture :gun:: Arm yourself for the battles to come.

Join us in Urban Legends and carve your story in the heart of Los Santos. Legends are not born; they’re made. Are you ready to become one?

:globe_with_meridians: Urban Legends RP :globe_with_meridians:

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+100 really good server
+100 good service from staff

Join Urban Legends a start your Adventures. This is a place for you to create a life filled with Excitement a loads of fun. We have so many interesting Legends already, So what are you waiting for Join Urban Legends today.* https://youtu.be/vgjU3i0JZ_o?si=y6XZBWV3ZvANdPve

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Best city I’ve had the pleasure of joining. Staff are great, and are quick to respond to tickets when there are any issues, and the people are friendly and fun to RP with. Lots of great ways to make money in the city, so it’s not really too much of a grind, but the economy is great as well. Good place to make good friends and have a great time.

Thank you

Come play on Urban Legends, We have PD, FD, Drugs, GANGS come meet the Dolls Discord

Friendly staff who are ready and willing to help you,

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Wow! I have to say, what a quick responsive staff! The community is friendly so far, and a lot of great jobs to pick from. I can’t get enough lol!