Can someone whos more experienced try to get this working or update/fix this script and do a tutorial as to how to use it
this would most likely be for a webssite
this would most likely be for a webssite
@XDRONE is correct, this is for a website.
i was trying to figure it out because im using wamp server and register doesn’t work but there is one thing the database file gives me an error when trying to use it via heidisql
hmm. As i am not the author of this, I can not provide any support, but I will attempt to get this setup using XAMPP.
i would use this as its by the original author not someone that had forked it i had to create the properties file in your opencad directory and create a config.ini in it using the code as the instructions
connection_file_location = "/HIDE/connections.php"
community = "YourCommunityName"
i understand that nit is for a website but im curious as how to deploy it to my website
like This
yes could you please do a tutorial??
There’s already a tutorial in repository’s readme file.
i know but i need a more dumbed down version of that i really dont understand it
Even more dumbed down? Aiight, do you atleast have a web server?
yes i do it has a sql db and the site is run from word press but yes it has a ton of features that im not sure how to use
Was it you that installed wordpress? Or you’re using That would be pretty much the same steps, create the database, change the login info in the connections.php file and just create the config.ini file with the stuff that’s the same as the one in the readme and change the big COMMUNITY text to the name of your server, I don’t know how to dumb it down even more, it’s pretty straightforward.
i pay for it using a third party and it was just an external; plugin
ill play around with it can i message you if i have any questions?
Sure, redacted in discord.
awesome thank you!!!
can you show were the file are suposed to be when upload to the site so i can understand what he means by www access
the end result is supposed to look like or something similar currently testing bugs as the original creator abandoned his work so if you click members on git hub justinfarmer14 and frilly and itsageek are working to get the back end fixed
and have it optimized within 2 months max
im currently finding a lot of bugs and reporting it
also a lot of code is messed up
here use the test account please dont attempt to disrupt anything