this is amazing thanks for doing all the work, quick question though, this is for the base game cars for fivem right, this does not include expansion stuff like casino cars and the like. Just wondering because I’m not using any of the extra expansion cars and don’t know what would happen to my dealership if there is a car in the database that would not spawn ingame without either changing the server build thing or grabbing the converted resources.
But yes, it does include the casino cars and the cayo perico onces… Forgot to mention that, you can fix that by putting ’ +set sv_enforceGameBuild 2189’ in your start.bat file. It just loads all the DLC’s, so you can have the DLC cars (Cayo Perico & Diamond Casino)!
awesome ill set the game build and test it out thank you so much! thats cool i did not know that you could set it to 2189 and get all of the expansions thought it was either/or, thanks again!
thats so weird, i deleted out my two tables to put in your version and got this error, good thing i made a back up, would have been nice to use your list, I’m dead in the water unless you have any ideas
here is line 146
function OpenShopMenu()
IsInShopMenu = true
local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, true)
SetEntityVisible(playerPed, false)
SetEntityCoords(playerPed, Config.Zones.ShopInside.Pos)
local vehiclesByCategory = {}
local elements = {}
local firstVehicleData = nil
for i=1, #Categories, 1 do --line 146
vehiclesByCategory[Categories[i].name] = {}
for i=1, #Vehicles, 1 do
if IsModelInCdimage(GetHashKey(Vehicles[i].model)) then
table.insert(vehiclesByCategory[Vehicles[i].category], Vehicles[i])
print(('esx_vehicleshop: vehicle "%s" does not exist'):format(Vehicles[i].model))
thank you it helps the server so much, it added all the new clothes too, I never had a chance to mess with the minitank either so that was one of the first things I did . You did my server a great service today. Thanks again. And good luck on your future projects
I use ESX 1.1, it’s basically a framework for roleplay server… It has many useful functions and commands like /car [modelname]… To install the SQL file you need to have Heidi SQL and XAMPP and also a database for your server and a script named esx_vehicleshop.
If you are new to developing servers i would recomment following a couple of tutorials to get you started:
Okay so, when you start vMenu with the M button, go to the Vehicle Related Options - then Vehicle Spawner and select the first one, the Spawn Vehicle By Model Name and click enter, a windows should pop up saying - Enter Vehicle Name, here you enter the second column of the database.