UPDATE! [PAID] [ESX] Keylessgo System for Cars "Carlock"

Product Description: FiveM Keylessgo Carlock Script

Introducing our FiveM Keylessgo Carlock Script, the ultimate solution for seamlessly integrating a realistic and user-friendly Keylessgo system into your Fivem world. This script offers straightforward configuration, allowing for complete customization, from notifications to functionality, tailored to individual preferences.

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Key Features:

  • Seamless Keylessgo Integration: Bring the modern Keylessgo system from real life directly into your Fivem experience. No more tedious key searching - players can unlock and start their vehicles with just one command.

  • Custom Configuration: The script includes a simple configuration file, empowering server administrators to fine-tune every aspect of the Keylessgo system. From system range to notification preferences, the possibilities are endless.

  • Notification Integration: Server administrators can integrate their own notification into the script, providing players with a personalized experience.

  • Activation/Deactivation Functionality: With the โ€œ/keylessgoโ€ command, players can easily toggle the Keylessgo system on or off, according to their needs and preferences.

Our FiveM Keylessgo Carlock Script offers a simple and immersive way to enhance the player experience on your server. With its user-friendly features and flexible configuration, itโ€™s the perfect addition to any Fivem server that values realism and user convenience.

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| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 240 |
| Requirements | ESX |
| Support | Yes |

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Would it be possible to make config option for this function as an opportunity for mechanics to provide a service to install this system for vehicles as item? with animation & prog bar?


Player buys a car from cardealer, claims car, without keylessgo, player wants for car this system, he drives to mechanic tuning shop, ask for this system, mechanic install this system.

Sure i will add that Feature

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Its Done sir :slight_smile:

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