[Unsupported] [Release] [Addon] Less Lethal / Bean Bag Shotgun

Was this ever fixed? put it in my server started the resource i cant spawn the gun into my wheel and every other gun i pull out insta crashes me…

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Works fine in my server

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Weird what version are you using?

not sure how. stright out of the box on a blank server this does not function correctly. which version are you using

14088/ Process crash captured. Crash dialog content:
[ 69297] [ DumpServer] 14088/ GTA5+C75B79
[ 69297] [ DumpServer] 14088/ An error at GTA5+C75B79 caused FiveM to stop working. A crash report is being uploaded to the FiveM developers.
[ 69312] [ DumpServer] 14088/
[ 69312] [ DumpServer] 14088/ Legacy crash hash: hawaii-triple-michigan

anyone know the solution to this?

Hello, does this addon still work?

It is breaking all the other shotguns and crashes my game

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ya same did you ever find a fix??

i recommend using this instead of this heavily outdated and unsupported resource

is it an addon?

you can make it addon the same way you make a car addon

hey could you make it a replacement , if you do please don’t make it replace the normal pump something else like the sawn-off or heavy

You able to show me how to make that shotgun a fiveM less lethal addon shotgun? and possible add it to vMenu lol

why is the sawn off shotgun deactivated ?