| Unphazed RP | Looking, for Civs, Gangs, MCS | Allow List |

:city_sunset::sparkles: Welcome to Unphazed City! :sparkles::city_sunset:

Looking for a city that’s classic, friendly, and fun? :cityscape: Join our QBCore community where everyone is welcomed – from law-abiding citizens :walking_woman::man_walking: to daring gang members and MCs :motorcycle::boom:.

:star2: What We Offer:
:small_blue_diamond: Legal Jobs:

:ambulance: SAFR

:hospital: EMS

:oncoming_police_car: LSSO and SAST

:balance_scale: Justice System / DOJ

:small_blue_diamond: Not-so-legal activities:

:herb::pill: Discover hidden drug locations (if you’re up for the challenge!)

:gun: Gun crafting and other secret surprises scattered throughout the city.

:wave: New or experienced? It doesn’t matter – Unphazed City is ready to welcome you with open arms!